Donor Resources



Ten Talents Overview Brief

A 2-page brief outlining Ten Talents’ Mission, Vision, & how we are working to accomplish them.


Donor Advised Fund Overview

An overview of how a Donor Advised Fund works and the way you can fund it.


DAF vs Private Foundation

Side by side comparison of Donor Advised Funds and Private Foundations.


Crop Gifting Guide

An overview of the process and benefits of turning crops into cash so your generosity goes further.


Ten Talents Annual Impact Report

A yearly report outlining the Ten Talents Foundation’s goals and the  impact made.

Blog Posts

Tax Considerations for Donor Advised Fund Holders

Tax Considerations for Donor Advised Fund Holders

 At the Ten Talents Foundation, we love to educate our community about tools they can use to live a tax-wise and generous life. One of these powerful tools is called a Donor Advised Fund. A Donor Advised Fund is like a charitable investment account! When you use a...

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Including Ministries in Your Will or Trust

Including Ministries in Your Will or Trust

Including Ministries You Love in Your Will or Trust (with guidelines & intentionality)Have you included the causes, ministries, or nonprofits you love in your will or trust? Are you interested in creating a family culture of giving? Do you want to leave assets to...

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What is a “Successful” Retirement?

What is a “Successful” Retirement?

What is a "Successful" Retirement?  “The happiest people I have worked with are not necessarily those who retire the wealthiest. They’re the ones who have a giving spirit infused in their family culture.” ~ Jeff Bradshaw, Financial Advisor & Ten Talents Board...

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11 Benefits of Using a Giving Fund

11 Benefits of Using a Giving Fund

Over a million individual Giving Funds also known as Donor Advised Funds or DAFs, were opened by the end of 2021 according to the National Philanthropic Trust, 2021. They report that “contributions to Giving Funds (DAFs) in 2021 totaled $72.67 billion, an all-time...

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Over a Million Americans have Opened Giving Funds

Over a Million Americans have Opened Giving Funds

Giving Funds, also known as Donor Advised Funds or DAFs, are being used at historic levels according to the National Philanthropic Trust. “The number of individual DAF accounts in the U.S. is above one million for the first time. Donors may initially choose DAFs for...

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Giving Non-Cash Assets through a Donor Advised Fund

Giving Non-Cash Assets through a Donor Advised Fund

Giving Non-Cash Assets Through a  Donor Advised Fund.Open a Donor Advised Fund and simplify the way you make donations.When you open a Donor Advised Fund through the Ten Talents Foundation, we become the hub to help you give cash and non-cash gifts. You can save a...

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2022 Ten Talents Foundation Annual Impact Report

2022 Ten Talents Foundation Annual Impact Report

TEN TALENTS FOUNDATION 2022 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORTThank you.At the Ten Talents Foundation, we believe our time, talents, and treasures are gifts from God. We have the responsibility to manage our resources with wisdom, creativity, and generosity to build His kingdom. We...

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Tax-wise way to donate stock

Tax-wise way to donate stock

Tax-wise way to donate stockA simple, quick process.The Ten Talents Foundation has a simple process in place to help you transfer your stock into a Giving Fund with a 3-4 business day turnaround! To begin the process, contact Ten Talents Foundation and we will provide...

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